Thursday, 6 October 2011

Task One ~ Research Two Genre's Of Our Choice.

 In this research task the group had to find and pick two different types of genre's. Then after picking the movie genre we had to then choose a sub genre to work from. Will and myself had done lots of research and had finally picked Action Comedy and a Zombie Horror. After this part we then had to think about what
could happen in this movie: The cast, the location, the setting, the story and the ending. We had come up after alot of debaiting to come up with a zombie action comedy! being influenced by Shaun of the dead and other zombie comedies in their styles of humor. We had made a slideshow presenting our research of our genres and what could easily happen in them.

what i've lernt is that, you could take any genre and place two together to make an interting story. it could be interesting and work or it could go the complete opposite way.
once this had been finished and we had finally come up with the plot, we then had to go ahead and write up a Synopsis!!!

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