Thursday, 22 December 2011

Question Four

who would be the audience for your media product?

For our film the type type of audience would be from a older teenager (16-18) and to rage of ages upwards. Possibly the latest would be around the late 40's (males) 30's (females) they would be working class, so that when they have time to rest and have family time, with older kids.  this would be a good movie to watch with your friends. You could get friends who like one genre from the film and let them watch the film for that aspect. The average nationality would be British, because this is a British film, there may be american viewers who enjoy the move because we do watch each others films. The genre is mixed and possibly  aimed mostly toward the males, because they enjoy all the gory zombie and the action that it involves, females are usually in the Rom-com or some other type of genre that doesn't involve guts and blood. though some female views do.
    teenagers and you adults like spending there money on music, phones, DVD's, or going to the cinema with family or friends. when ever views are watching telly or a movie, or they are going to by something, advertisement will also show you something from the cinema that will grab there attention. or to win tickets to the opening of the film it could link to things they buy, such as magazines, phones and much more. the views may watch all different types of movies and media's. they would finds things out through the use of the internet and social groups. IE Facebook and twitter. they would discuss there opinions and what they like and what they would want to see. they could share things though YouTube or any other media consumer that advertises in what they like. 

Question Three

what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I would say 20th Century Fox and universal., because they have done many comedy and horror movies, so I would have a lot of trust in them to publish my movie and make it good and reel in all different types of viewers. they both seem very trust worth and if one didn't offer then i would turn to the other one, because they are both huge company's and they would like my film due to the fact it has two genres inside of it and 'Shaun of the dead' was a huge hit and this is in its style. 

Question Two

How does you media product represent particular social groups?

your average woman in need of saving
In our film we have two types of people, we have one female and we have one male. Both are important and link together. And yet are both not how males and female are usually portrayed in your average zombie comedy movies. 

The Female... 

The female is portrayed as a higher up class person, posh, rich and possibly a snob. She is out on the moors, wearing jogging bottoms and a red bench fleeces. This could be to try and fit in with all the other average people. Yet with all her intelligence, she isn't clever or knows how to save herself. She ends up being easy to kill off. She to is a victim as she is unable to save herself. As the film goes on we are shown the male, he fears the female, he doesn't attempt to kill her and cause her harm, he runs away from her. So she may be even more powerful as to the fact that she is dead. For her makeup, we didn't really give her any, so she may be just trying to blend in with everyone else, and  because of the costume she was wearing, It seemed like there was no need for her to be wearing any makeup, and if she didn't, she would look silly. The female who plays the character is attractive but doesn't say a lot, so its possible she thinks lower of working class people. She has looks, but no brain. For camera shots, we never got any close up shots of her when she was alive. Possibly because she didn't want people knowing who she was and didn't want attention focused on her. The camera was kept away from her face and if there was close up, they wouldn't be of her face. She only got her close ups when she was dead. So people could be aware of what she had become, also she wouldn't of cared because of course, she was dead. 

The male...

your average, cowardly hero. 
The male is one of your average boys, he is all brains but has no courage. So he is one of your cowardly hero's. The one hero who doesn't really know what on earth he is doing but will try his best, even if it means getting himself almost killed numerous times. We did this through the persons personalty and through what he wears. He wear a black jacket and black sunglasses, even though he is in doors and its not even sunny outside. So he is trying to be col and sexy, because he is going to see the female that was on the screen earlier on in the opening.  When he notices his friend outside his house he is curious but knows something is wrong,  when we see that he realized she is dead and walking around. All that courage and confidence rolls right out the window. You could say he is like an average hero in a zombie movie, he has little knowing of self-defense but learns quickly how to use weapon and how to kill the un-dead. The character does grab a weapon for self defense. But when he knows thing are going down hill, he hides and doesn't try to defend himself off. By the time he hides, all the un-dead break in and bang on the door, knowing that he is in there. So you could also way that he is stupid and cowardly, when his fear rolled in deep. With camera shots we have many ones of him, we have close ups of his face on numerous occasions, nine out of ten times there are expressions of fear on his face as he realizes things are bad for him. We get many different types of shots with him because he is being normal, he is your average person but dealing with a big problem, so we needed to be doing all these different type of camera shots to try and get across the chaos of what is going through his head at the point in time.

Question One

G321 ~ Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge the conventions of real media products?

Shaun of the dead
Resident Evil
Zombie horror
We have kept well and close to the conventions of the two genre we had chosen. We had made it equal in both ways. Through the first half on the moors. We have the zombie feel to it. And when we cut to the house we have the humorous side to it, though still keeping to the zombie idea, because that was are strong point. We did change it a little bit. Through numerous convocation /drafts /story boards. We did try to mix it up with different types of camera shots that wouldn't usually be placed into a zombie comedy or a comedy for that matter. We wanted to cuts to be sharp and short when we came to the zombie, because before hand. Everything ran smooth and longer than the other half of the movie. We made sure the comedy was there. Even though it was being done through one character who was on his own. So we made the humor through things he did and the environment around them.

Things we twisted...

Another one of our leading un-dead zombies
Are lead female character/zombie
We made sure that our hero was completely venerable and did not even attempt to attack the un-dead as they came piling into his house. We also did not give the un-dead any noises. To in a way make it seem more eerie or mysterious, Like the un-dead was not un-dead fully. possibly still partly human. knowing that the female character came to the males house even, though she was attacked and 'killed' and we in a sense made will a ladies man. due to the two lead female zombies blocking will from leaving the house and having to hid.  the zombies was not ugly looking so we made then quiet attractive and we did not apply much make-up to them, to add the feeling like they are still human. but not fully 'all there' usually you would have a hero that knows what he is doing and can escape the city with not problem, but because it was an average teenager, who probably knew how to kill zombies, he just hid away.

The Music...

The music we was going to use
we had everything planned out to a T but thing went pared shaped and due to editing and filming, we did not have enough time to email anyone and gets the song(s) we needed or wanted. so in the end we just used what we could get. mostly sounds to add humor to the film, because we were finding it difficulty to keep the humor there. 

Tuesday, 20 December 2011


The props are very important for the movie and for the genre we have used it in. knowing the two main characters are shown separate in the movie.


                                                                      THE GLASSES

These were the male characters main prop. We see that to him these could represent his coolness. How he tried to be a 'cool guy' but has to wear glasses to get that feel. The thing that also might link to the character, is the fact his eyes are covered and you cant see his eyes. You cant see the expression on his face. He is simply trying to hid his fear behind the glasses.


The jacket is to an important item for the main character. he, just like the glasses. Needs to wear cool clothes in order to possibly feel like he is cool. Also to the fact he was going to go meet up with a girl that day. Could be the reason he is dressing up. Trying to impress the girl. Though maybe he knows he needs to try hard to get what he wants.

                                                                          THE KEY

The key is signification in the link between the male character and the female character. As he realizes that the female character is a zombie. He flees in terror. Locking her out. Possible meaning he is breaking the connection with her, due to the facts that she is now with the un-dead. It could also be that he is locking out his bravery, due to the fact, he turns into a coward when he goes back into the house.


The mini mouse drink is connected to the male character as well as his personality. He is dressing cool, acts cool and yet he drinks from a child glass. So in a way he easily could be trying to hard or finds a time not to bother acting cool and acts like a child. 


When the male character goes down stairs, dresses all cool and acting cool, he goes over to the tap and gets a drink of water. He doesn't go over and get a beer or a can of coke. So he possibly is hiding his un-coolness through simple un-obvious things. Though he tries to look cool. But doesnt act cool at times.


A weapon for our 'hero' is not a baseball bat or a sharp weapon, but a frying pan. He goes through many different types. Such as a plastic ones and small ones. And then he finds his perfect weapon. But instead of fighting of the un-dead. He simply cowards away. The pan could represent the last of his bravery as he cowards away and hides. 

What I have learnt from this task:
* Props are an important object for the whole film (Setting up the characters and who they are)
* Makes telling the story that little bit easier ( Where they are, whats going on around them whats the characters back story and what there like)
* without props, it wouldn't really be a movie! 

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Storyboard ' Location (First Half)

Location        Shot Number             Shot Type                      Shot Action                      Dialouge

Moors                  1                             ES                      view of the moors 
                                                                                          and a female
Moors                  2                        OS To LS              female is in shot (back)
                                                                                          walks away
Moors                  3                             MS                    female walking past
                                                                                          camera (left)      
Moors                  4                         OS to LS               female walking down
                                                                                           from camera
Moors                  5                      MS with MOA          female walking into frame
                                                                                           and opening pocket
Moors                  6                     XCU with MOA          pulling iphone out
                                                                                           of pocket
Moors                  7                     MCU with MOA         pulling phone out
                                                                                           to hands
Moors                  8                              CU                  female hands scanning
                                                                                           through iphone
Moors                  9                              CU                  female chosen her
                                                                                           music and playing it
Moors                 10                            POV                 Zombie inside bush                       “Hello?”

Moors                 11                             CU                  Of the bush Zombie is in

Moors                 12                            POV                 Zombie inside bush

Moors                 13                             MS                  Coming towards bush
                                                                                           by character
Moors                 14                              LS                   Going into bush

what I have learnt from this task:
* setting out a board to see what needs to be done and what has been done, makes recording a lot simpler and nothing is in shambles or a mess. you can tick off what you have done and see what else you need to do.

Type Of Media Consumer

Our audience would watch are genres of movies. (comedy's and zombie horrors) But they would also like to see some aspects of action or adventure in them to make the film more interesting, not plan and boring. ( If the movie is set in one place) They would want to see the same levels as (Resident Evil) and (Liar Liar)

horror score ~ Marilyn Manson
The music would be depending on what the veiwers taste on music is like. with the genre of music it has to link and connect with the film. So it makes one big scene of one big adventure for them as they watch it. For comedy movies, you would have more up beat music. Usually tracks from an actual band and not usually an  music conductor. On the other had with horror music. They may be times when they use a track from a band but may not use much band tracks, but may use one or only use the bands song in the credits. for most horror films they would be a musical conductor. or possible a music conductor from a band ( Marilyn Manson) ~ "Resident Evil"
comedy show " only fools and horses"

For TV programs, it varies from if the view watched TV or if they find out about what they like through the use of the internet. For comedy types shows they would watch shows such as "Only Fools And Horses" or "Red Dwarf."  For the horror side of things, people might watch such shows as,  "Walking Dead"

For the internet, views would use social networks, such as Facebook, twitter. To discuss films that they like and can compare. They also could go to a video webpage (Youtube) to look up on anything new coming to cinemas near them.

What I have learnt from this task:
* You like one genre in one aspect of media such as TV but like diffident thing from the other media's.

Sequence For Rest Of Movie

we had planned out to make the clip with the female character (Lauren) the full two minutes. mostly because we didn't have enough footage and did not know what else to place into that scene, we had to come up with the other half of the story. to make the full Two minute cut.

This is what we came up with:

 *First, shot of Lauren walking into the bush, then cut to pan outside upwards whilst she is screaming and says “ only two more days until I was 18”

 Sequence 2:

*   Will is getting ready to go out, keeps looking at his watch seeing he may be late.
*   Goes downstairs and turns on the radio to here disaster followed by club Tropicana
*   Pours himself a glass of water and notices Lauren in garden
*  Goes outside to see he, asks if drunk and then realises she’s a zombie. Runs back in locks everything up
*  Notices a window open goes towards it and traps arm in window
*  Another person is banging on the window on the other side
*  Grabs an item and locks himself in cupboard
*  Goes to black, blood trickles down the screen and titles appear

What I have learnt from this:
* If running out of idea of what to place into the movie. do bullet points and see if you can make something more interesting happen.
* Discuss with your partner to see what he/she would want to place into the film
* Ask around and see what the audience would like to place into the film or what they would like to see.

Character List

We had to come up with a group of people who could be the character to are movie. This is what we had planned out, but due to people being unavailable some didn't make it in.

Main Character (Will Hine)
Sub Main Character, most likely to be involved with the main character(To be Played by a woman)
Two/Three Friends who assist the Main characters (TBC)
Zombies ( Rob Lewis )
People who get turned into the zombies
Runner who is the first to get snuffed out ( Lauren)

What I have learnt from this:
* Trying to find the right cast isn't always easy. 
* Having a good group of friends willing to make the movie with you is always helpful
*Making sure they are available when you are

Friday, 16 December 2011

Locations/Storyboard (Second Half)

we had planned out the location and it ended up looking like this:

Locations / Settings  Shot Numbers           Shot Type        Shot Despcription Action Dialogue  
                                 100                        CU                        Clock/ Alarm Clock going beep   
House Interior           101                         LS to MS   Arm reaching for clock and then above 
                                102                        OS                        Looking at clock  
Garden                      103                        XCU                    Screams that he is going to be late  
                                104-110                CU , OS and MS Picking up items and putting them on  
Cupboard                  111-115               MS to CU to MS Coming downstairs  
                                116-120               MS to CU to MS   Down the stairs again  
Bathroom                  121                       CU                        Hand turning on the radio  
                                122                      OS                         Pouring drink  
Kitchen                     123                      CU/LS/OS             we notice lauren in the background
                                 124                      MS/OS/CU            Noticing shes a zombie  
Dining Room             125                       LS/CU                   Runs toward the door, then shuts it  
                                126                      CU/XCU/ CU        Locks the Door  
                                127-131               LS/ CU                  Notices zombie either side of the house  
                                132                      MS                        Picks up a pan  
                                133                      MS/LS                  Runs to Cupboard  
                                134                     CU/ OS                  Closes Door  


What  I have learnt from this task:
* Making sure everything is in a order of a list can make planning and producing a lot easier

The Settings

Because our film is based on reality, due to the humor inside of it and of course scenes with the un-dead. We needed to setting to be completely real and all ready there. So it would be easier to film and would not cost any money at all.

Here are most of the settings:
                                                                THE BEDROOM

This is the room in which we find the main character waking up. The setting is all natural and no other things have been added to the set apart from the actor himself. The setting shows links to the character. How he is messy in his looks and possible the way he thinks.


The bathroom was in the script to begin with, though due to the facts that myself and working partner had been swapping and changing idea's we left this idea out. But we see a tiny gimps of it because of the door that is used to hang the actors clothes up in the scene.

 In the same room again is where we meet the main character of the opening film. In this area is the door leading to the bathroom and here is where he grabs his jacket before walking off.


 The garden is a very importance setting for the movie. Even though not a lot happens here, it links two parts of the opening together.  This garden is in the same location as the house itself. meaning we didn't have to travel anywhere far to find a garden to do the scene in.

 A lot of things happen in the set. we wanted to show off the characters home. To show how much money he might have on him. He isn't rich and he isn't poor. Though we assume he is well-off. Even though he has all that money. He has no brains and decided to find a useless weaopn in which to defend himself before going ahead and hiding into the closet. All the lightning in the room is natural, no lights were needed to turn on and by the far back of the kitchen is huge double glass doors. letting lots of light shin through.


Now this wasn't a set, it was in the set so it would of been under the label of props. Though we had this scene planned out in the script and story board., it sadly never made it in. this scene was going to show the humors side. Telling a horrible news story before going straight to an advert.

What I have learnt from this task:
* I have learnt that sets that cost no money are always better. 
* Finding a place to shot can be difficult for other directors or actors.
* Having everything you need there is extremely helpful and gets the filming done a lot faster. 

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Completed Preliminary Task

Completed Preliminary Task from Lauren Martin on Vimeo.

This was the first task we had to do for our opening project. The task was simple, though due to the facts that it was our first time. We did struggle in the beginning but we got there in the end. the footage is not that long but it needed to be short and simple because of the rules and tasks that followed it. 

What I have learnt from this project: 
* Its not always easy when starting a short film clip.
* Working with more than one person can help because there opinion on the shot can be placed into the film.
* Team work is always best and not being along because you will struggle.