Saturday 17 December 2011

Sequence For Rest Of Movie

we had planned out to make the clip with the female character (Lauren) the full two minutes. mostly because we didn't have enough footage and did not know what else to place into that scene, we had to come up with the other half of the story. to make the full Two minute cut.

This is what we came up with:

 *First, shot of Lauren walking into the bush, then cut to pan outside upwards whilst she is screaming and says “ only two more days until I was 18”

 Sequence 2:

*   Will is getting ready to go out, keeps looking at his watch seeing he may be late.
*   Goes downstairs and turns on the radio to here disaster followed by club Tropicana
*   Pours himself a glass of water and notices Lauren in garden
*  Goes outside to see he, asks if drunk and then realises she’s a zombie. Runs back in locks everything up
*  Notices a window open goes towards it and traps arm in window
*  Another person is banging on the window on the other side
*  Grabs an item and locks himself in cupboard
*  Goes to black, blood trickles down the screen and titles appear

What I have learnt from this:
* If running out of idea of what to place into the movie. do bullet points and see if you can make something more interesting happen.
* Discuss with your partner to see what he/she would want to place into the film
* Ask around and see what the audience would like to place into the film or what they would like to see.

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