These were the male characters main prop. We see that to him these could represent his coolness. How he tried to be a 'cool guy' but has to wear glasses to get that feel. The thing that also might link to the character, is the fact his eyes are covered and you cant see his eyes. You cant see the expression on his face. He is simply trying to hid his fear behind the glasses.
The jacket is to an important item for the main character. he, just like the glasses. Needs to wear cool clothes in order to possibly feel like he is cool. Also to the fact he was going to go meet up with a girl that day. Could be the reason he is dressing up. Trying to impress the girl. Though maybe he knows he needs to try hard to get what he wants.
The key is signification in the link between the male character and the female character. As he realizes that the female character is a zombie. He flees in terror. Locking her out. Possible meaning he is breaking the connection with her, due to the facts that she is now with the un-dead. It could also be that he is locking out his bravery, due to the fact, he turns into a coward when he goes back into the house.
The mini mouse drink is connected to the male character as well as his personality. He is dressing cool, acts cool and yet he drinks from a child glass. So in a way he easily could be trying to hard or finds a time not to bother acting cool and acts like a child.
When the male character goes down stairs, dresses all cool and acting cool, he goes over to the tap and gets a drink of water. He doesn't go over and get a beer or a can of coke. So he possibly is hiding his un-coolness through simple un-obvious things. Though he tries to look cool. But doesnt act cool at times.
A weapon for our 'hero' is not a baseball bat or a sharp weapon, but a frying pan. He goes through many different types. Such as a plastic ones and small ones. And then he finds his perfect weapon. But instead of fighting of the un-dead. He simply cowards away. The pan could represent the last of his bravery as he cowards away and hides.
What I have learnt from this task:
* Props are an important object for the whole film (Setting up the characters and who they are)
* Makes telling the story that little bit easier ( Where they are, whats going on around them whats the characters back story and what there like)
* without props, it wouldn't really be a movie!
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