What have you learnt about technologies from the process of making this product.
i have learnt so much from this product. but what i have learnt most is camera shots. editing and additional post-production.
Camera shots!

camera shots were the main focus of my learning. i already knew how to edit, but i was very interested in the filming. i pay close attention to detail when it comes to editing and wanted everything to flow together nicely. i tried to place interesting camera shots and styles together. we have shot revers shots. close ups. long shots. match on action. and loads more. we made sure that each shot fitted nicely together with the one after that. so the film would make sense. we also paid attention to lightning. we wanted lighting outside to make the outdoors seem interesting. so we filmed on sunning days outside. the shots we hard to get due to the sun getting in the way at times and making the actress/ actor squinting in scenes. so we had to do some of those over again. for the indoors.where its meant to be safe. we tried keeping the indoors dark and gloomy. so we tried avoiding filming by doors and windows.

i was already aware of editing due to me editing a lot on video clips with music. though i never edited a film without music and just sound. it was tricky because sometimes the sound would get in the way or not match with the clip. so we either had to go and film something again or record the sound and place it over the sound clip so it fitted together nicely. we had to make sure that everything was in its place, the clothing and the hair was the same. even if we filmed days apart. we made sure we had the right clothing on. the rooms were the same and the props the same. but sometimes it would become tricky so we tricked the views and used already used footage and zoom it or edited int a style so it would seem new. we only did this last resort thing if we could film out together or editing became tricky. it seem impossible at times to edit and me and the partner would get into arguments. we did get help from other people,. them giving there view across on what we could do and what we could get rid of. we did use other people help but we did try sticking to our own thoughts.
Post Production!

to me this became very annoying. because things wouldn't work out. on days we couldn't film and had to film when both of use were free. choosing what genre to do became tricky. and we had fights about it. so to make it fare for both of use we did two genres on one. yet we still kept getting into arguments. but i guess that what production is all about! we had to come up with a story and who was going to stat in it. it became hard trying to find the right actors because some wasn't free when both of us were. so in the end we used each other in the film to save more time and stress. we did get others in to help. such as another camera man and an extra to be a zombie along side myself. the location became a pain. because my partner in the film wanted to film at his house but some of us didn't have parents that could drive up to his. so we had to walk! but it all worked out in the end. at times we would lose or change things that happened in the story or script. so we had to change the storyboard. and everything else along with it.
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